Sunday, May 2, 2010

Basic Information (by Chris C)

Suicidal behavior is "Anything that happens to the thinking within the brain, such as injury or bad learning experiences that can interfere with serotonins ability to keep basic instincts in line." Cardell Smith. Teen suicide and depression is something that can suddenly be triggered by a traumatic event in one’s life. That one event can drastically alter the mindset of a person to the point of serious depression. Depression is a condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal; sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason, and/or the thought of suicide. Suicide and depression among teens is an extreme and likely sickness and effects one out of every eight teenagers. Adolescence is a common time for teens to become vulnerable because naturally there are many physical, emotional, hormonal, and physiological changes occurring. Ups and downs are a regular part of life but with depression, the downs last much longer and are much deeper than usual. Teen depression can come on as a result of chemical changes in the brain due to stress or even to hormonal changes. No matter how teenage depression strikes, however, it is important to get help restoring the brain’s chemical balance before the situation gets too serious and leads to self-inflicted pain or maybe even suicide. A few symptoms of depression are withdrawal from family and friends, lack of energy, and prolonged feelings of sadness. Although most of the symptoms are experienced by everyone at some point in their lives, the roller coaster effect is how one points out the depression factor. The key to determining depression is by realizing that the teen is suffering from five or more symptoms for more than two weeks. The best cure for deterring depression is a balanced combination of therapy and medicine because a regimen of strictly medicine can become habitual.


  1. • As you can see teen suicide and depression is a serious problem that needs to be recognized. The teenage years are a very stressful time. Teens are juggling school, extra-curricular activities, home life, social life, and peer pressure. Teens should not let these stressors affect their self-esteem or be a cause to end their life. Teens need to understand that they are not alone. They can go to their friends, family, teachers, or coaches for help. These people can lend an ear and offer advice or perhaps refer them to a professional such as a councilor or psychiatrist.
    (by Kelly C)

  2. Teen suicide can be caused by many different things including the ones that were pointed out. Since it is a combination of chemical reactions within the brain that cause the stress and depression, medicine is in fact one of the best cures that can save a teen from committing suicide. No one should be pushed to the point where they seek suicide as a way out. (by Walt C)

  3. Teen suicide and depression is something that many teens deal with but almost no one around them knows. Being aware of these factors and symptoms can be the saving grace for a teen suffering from this. The family and friends of a teen should be able to talk to them and become an outlet for them instead of be ashmamed that they are going through a rough patch like this. Talking about it and realzing that it is a reality is better then ignorning the problem and leading the child to chose suicide as the solution to their depression. Discovering their faith and trust in God can also be something that can be used to allow a teen suffering from depression to feel like they do have someone by their side instead of feeling like their going through it all alone. Along with therap and medicine, love and faith from their family members can be the saving grace for a teen to overcome their depression and continue their normal teenage life.
