Thursday, May 6, 2010

HBO documentary - Boy Interrupted (by Walt C)

This documentary looks at the life and death of Evan Perry, a teenager who killed himself after a decade-long struggle with bipolar disorder. It focuses primarily on Evan's family's attempts to cope with his illness and death. There are detailed discussions about suicide and mental illness and his family explains to us how he wanted to hang himself and the other various ways that Evan would described he would kill himself. Evan Perry had a very short life and was put into a hospital where his parents and family hoped he would get better. When he came out everyone thought he was cured, but after a couple months we see that he was not cured. One night after they had dinner, he went to his room and jumped out the window to meet his death.

This proves that depressed and bipolar people are just like you and me. You can never tell when a bipolar person will undergo an episode nonetheless know when they will commit suicide. It can happen at any point in their life and for any stupid reason such as Evan Perry’s. He didn’t kill himself because his parents sent him to do his Homework. He killed himself because he wasn’t cured. Evan was still depressed and even after months of everyone believing he was cured, he killed himself. Depression and bipolar disease is unpredictable and must always be watched for.

The top of our blog page contains clips of this documentary from youtube.


  1. I watched some of the clips of Boy Interrupted on youtube. Although I think the documentary is very sad, I think it’s good that his mother made this documentary because it allows the public to become more aware of how serious teen suicide and depression really is. It must have been very hard for Evan’s family and friends to deal with his bipolar disorder. If I had a family member or friend who suffered from bipolar disorder, I would immediately request them to psychiatrists and special doctors, just like Evan’s parents did. (by Kelly C)

  2. HBO has so many documantaries about so many differnt topics. After watching Boy, Interupted my eyes were opened to how much of a problem teen suicide and depression has become. I cant remember where I heard the disorder being reffered to as the "silent killer" but this documentary reminded me of it. Teen depression has it flares but once it starts it will always remain in the childs mind unless it is take care of tand the child gets help. If help isnt recieved the child can seem as if they have went back to a normal life but then suicide can happen the next day as in the story of Evan Perry. Thiss documentary perfectly shows what we are trying to get across by writing this blog, that teen suicide and depression can effect anyone we know, and at any time.

  3. The point of a documentary is to open the eyes of people and to show them what is going on in our world. To people that are going through the same problems, it is a support system that can somewhat guide them through their issues. Although no one is immune to depression or suicidal thoughts, the fact that we are here posting information and speaking about the problem should help those who feel that they are at the brink of it. The documentary goes to show that our closest friends can be suffering from depression as we speak, for it goes highly unnoticed. No one can measure the minds immunity to depression but all we can do is be there for our neighbors. No one should be rejected to the point of suicidal thoughts, it is somewhat our fault as a society to be there for the victim more. Support does much more for a person in need than most people think.
