Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Preventions (by Kelly C)

Teen suicide is the third leading cause of teenage death. It is important to be aware of the preventions of teen suicide because it can save a life. Here are some ways to help prevent a suicidal teen from suicide or death.
- Talk/ listen to the teen. Ask if he or she has thoughts of suicide. Make sure he or she knows that there is help available to them and that he or she can always ask you for help.
- Do not leave a suicidal teen alone or have access to harmful objects. (Example: firearms, medication, sharp objects, and cleaning supplies)
- If you cannot help him or her with their problem, refer them to a doctor or guidance counselor.

Depression is the most common mental illness of teens. Although depression cannot always be prevented, there are some ways to help reduce the chances of depression episodes. To help a teen suffering with depression, you can:
- Talk/ listen to the teen. Ask them a lot of questions so you know all the reasons why they are depressed.
- Make the teen feel good about his or herself. Make positive persuasive statements about getting involved with extra-curricular activities and hobbies.
- If you cannot help him or her with their problem, refer them to a doctor or guidance counselor.

If you are a teen who has depression, these are some steps you can take to help prevent an episode of depression.
- Get a good amount of sleep
- Go to therapy if your doctor wants you to
- Avoid drugs and alcohol
- Be surrounded by supportive family members, teachers, or friends
- Learn healthy ways to deal with life choices and stress. (Example: exercise)
- Be around friends who have positive goals
- Take the medication prescribed to you by your doctor
- Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.


  1. The steps that teens should take to avoid an episode of depression should not only be considered by those who have problems but also by everyone. Good amounts of sleep gives the body and brain rest from the day before and therefor will help you be in a better mood when you wake up for a new day. Avoiding drugs and alcohol is especially important since it has taken many lives before. Whether its drunk driving or an overdose it put ones life at risk and others. Drugs and alcohol are probably a teens worst enemy considering it can ruin your life to the point that one may not care leading to suicide. Everyone should always be around people who make them happy. Since this is true the steps mentions should not only be taken to prevent an episode of depression but also for teens to prevent falling into depression.

  2. Surrounding oneself with only the most positive of people is a good way for a teen to get rid of their thoughts of depression and suicide. Reminding the teen that they are not alone and have people to talk to is key because feelings of loneliness are what can drive a teen to think this way. Keeping up on sleep and maintaining a good, healthy diet are also good ways to prevent depression. Everything listed here are amazing ways to allow teens to overcome the hardships off teenage life that might last longer in the lives of some teens than others.

  3. The common cure factor for all sickness, not only depression and suicidal thoughts is having a good support system there for you. Someone there just to listen and talk to can make a world of difference to the victim, maybe something that they never had. Support can ease the mind of the victim and let them know that there is someone in the world to turn to, that they are not alone among billions of scurrying people trying to live. Support will reassure the victim that they are a part of society and part of what makes our world what it is. To feel a part of something can greatly boost self-esteem so we must make an effort to introduce them into our lives and give them a role to play.
